Febrero 2023

 Hello Word!

I'm developer... well, I mean i am a student. This is my first post. Like many others, i am studying on my own. I had my ups and downs, and this blog is my last attempt to become a developer, but... What i mean by developer? I mean a pearson who knows how to handle the necessary technologies to build applications and programs that we have in mind. It doesn't sound that difficult, does it?

The reasons for writing this blog are as follows:

- Everyone has or should have a place where they can express their feelings, be alone, and think about the next steps they will take in their lives. That's what it is for me. I think this will be the place where i will mark the steps i take, i will share everything that happens to me and what I achieve. It will also be the place where I will propose new goals to accomplish  in the next entries.

- I think this place will be a commitment for me, where I can maintain focus, be consistent and do everything in a more conscious way. I think this is a private place for me (even if the content is public) I don't thik anyone really reads these entries. 

- I will be able to see (in a long run) how I evolved, grew, developed and above all how I thought. This is a personal development space where I will detail how I built an ego.(Maybe in other entries i will talk about these psychology topics).

- I speak Spanish, and I am learning English, and this blog is a great exercise for me, that's why I decided to write in English.

- By having a blog, I will be encouraged to do things so that I have something to talk about.

What is my actual situation?

- I have an eight-hour job and about four hours free to study, both English and programming. Why English? Simple. There's a better job future. 

- I don't have a private place to myself, I don't have a home office and my resources are limited, sometimes that discourages me, but I'm not going to let that be an excuse.

- I have no contacts, no friends, no relatives who work or who can help me get a job. It's all from scratch and any contacts I make (and I will) will be reported in a future posts.

- My knowledge so far is very basic, HTML, CSS, Javascript, a bit of Java with Springboot and MySql. I still don't know how to build an end-to-end application.

February Plans:

- Continue learning English, always. 

- Review the concepts and get certified in Javascript, which I am not yet. 

- Start the Java development course.

For a first entry, these objectives are enough, anything else I do or think of, I will tell you in a next entry.

If you read this, I would really appreciate a comment supporting me. 

